Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 Profile picture
@AFP HK correspondent / reach via / Tweets are my own / RT not endorsement

Sep 8, 2021, 6 tweets

Some defendants among the 47 charged of “conspiracy to subversion” were asked by national security police to come to police HQs at 2pm to pick up their committal bundles. @owenchowkashing didn’t get the notification but still came to check things out as tmr is ddl for prosecution

Ricky Or, man in blue shirt, has got four stacks of documents the prosecution prepared against him. Each stack has four packs of paper. Or said police told him it’s about two cardboard boxes of A4 paper in total.

Barrister Lawrence Lau, who is both a defendant and defense lawyer in different cases under #NSL , has also got four stacks of bundles. So was Winnie Yu, ex founder of the Hospital Authorities Employees Alliance.

So far it seems standard for every defendant called in to get four stacks of documents from the prosecution. This is half of what Shun Lee was given. Just to give you a sense of the weight.

It turns out that @owenchowkashing also has four stacks of documents to pick up but national security police said they “couldn’t find him”. If he didn’t come on his own, what would happen?

To move bundles for three people, a trolley is needed.

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