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Every day I write about #osint (Open Source Intelligence) tools and techniques. Also little bit about forensics and cybersecurity in general. Work in @netlas_io

Sep 8, 2021, 19 tweets

15 steps to gather information about a company.

Suitable for Fortune 500 corporations as well as the restaurant down the street.

Thread 🧵🧵🧵

#osint #corpint

Step 1

Gathering basic information (adress of registration, number of employes, market capitalization etc) in global business registries

@opencorporates @Craftdotco

Step 2

Check the details of the company in the official registry of the country in which it is registered (it can often be found on the website of the federal tax inspectorate)… (63 countries)

Step 3

Look for references to the company in court decisions and court documents databases.… (62 sites for search court decisions in different countries)

Step 4

Search company name or company owner name in OffshoreLeaks database (@ICIJorg)

Step 5

Searh company's Legal Entity Identifier, to find other companies with which it is associated.

Step 6

Check the validity of the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the company and see the information about the bank where it is serviced.

Step 7

Looking for information about deliveries of goods in which the company was involved.

Step 8

Let's go down to Darknet. We use the RelatedList service to find company-related contacts and confidential documents leaked online.


Thanks @akaclandestine

Step 9

Looking for brands and logos that are registered to the company.

Step 10

Looking for recent mentions of the company in online media around the world.

Step 11

View a detailed investment profile of the company.

Step 12

We get a list of patents registered to the company.

Step 13

It is also worth collecting as much information as possible about the company's website. There is a separate thread on this topic (pay special attention to the analysis of metadata of documents with metagoofil)

Step 14

Look at the photos on the company website and identify employees (there's a separate thread about that, too)

Step 15

Collect data on the physical address of the company (view separate thread)

This little thread is end.

But a great deal on the subject was left unsaid. For example, finding information in leak databases and working with social networks.

You can find tools for these and other OSINT purposes in my collection… (505 items)

@readwiseio save thread

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