Christiaan Triebert Profile picture
Visual Investigations at @nytimes. Previously with @Bellingcat, @Airwars. DMs open.

Sep 9, 2021, 7 tweets

On Sept. 5, Col. Mamady Doumbouya (41) —former French legionnaire and head of the country's Special Forces Group— seized power in Guinea from President Alpha Condé (83). Threading some footage that surfaced on social media, and some geolocations.…

Heavy gunfire was heard in the capital Conakry on Sunday morning. This video shows the 8 Nov. Bridge connecting Camayenne and Coleah in Kaloum, the tip of the peninsula where the Presidential Palace is located.

This video shows six military vehicles and about a double dozen troops just at Ave de la Republique and Blvd de Commerce — just a block away from the President Palace.

This video, already geolocated by @mafihachk, shows smoke rising very close to the Presidential Palace. The church you see is Cathedrale Sainte Marie, which is situated next to it.

Then: photos and videos surface of Condé being held in custody by (mostly masked) men. Photos attached, and videos of those same moments:

- in the car: .
- on the couch: .

“Finally, the head of Guinea’s special forces announced on state television that the constitution, government and all institutions were dissolved. He had staged a coup.”…

“Other videos showed Guineans taking to the streets in celebration and military vehicles moving through Conakry, accompanied by dozens of motorcycles, their riders raising fists in the air.” Lots of footage on the wires, see:…

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