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Sep 10, 2021, 6 tweets

US President Joe Biden on Thursday ordered new COVID-19 vaccine requirements affecting 100 million Americans. The new mandates impact pvt-sector employees, health care workers & federal contractors as US attempts to stamp out fresh spike in COVID-19 cases.…

In his statement at White House, Biden slammed those who remain unvaccinated despite months of availability & incentives. "We've been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us," he said. The unvaccinated "can cause a lot of damage..."

Now, the new rules require all employers with over 100 workers to vaccinate them or test them weekly. The move affects 80 million Americans. Around 17 million workers at health facilities receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid are also required to be fully vaccinated. #JoeBiden

Employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the government are also required to be vaccinated. The mandates for employers require them to provide paid time-off for vaccination, Biden said. #vaccination

Biden blamed people for sharp rise in COVID-19 deaths. He raised fines for those refusing to wear masks on flights or on federal property. He said the govt will increase testing, adding that entertainment venues & arenas require vaccinations or a negative COVID-19 test for entry.

In July, Biden had declared that the US was independent of the virus. However, daily infections in US are now touching an average of 1.4L & daily deaths reaching of about 1,000. More than 208mn Americans have received one vaccine dose & over 177mn Americans are fully vaccinated.

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