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Sep 10, 2021, 9 tweets

How the current age Gandhis are cynical about PM Modi for his leadership skills & political move, is nothing new.

The critical part is how their ancestors Nehru & Indira Gandhi were 'assessed' by a neutral external agency- CIA!!

Read on..



(A) Nehru's love for Communist ideology: was never a secret, having an affair with Soviets, made it more obvious. Excerpt of one of his speeches, the love always blossoms. (P1)

But the problem here is main opposition party of that time i.e. CPI was fundamentally communists.

CIA observed this dilemma and assessed that Nehru always carefully coins 'Indian Communism' term, quoting him "Communism of the Indian variety is different, not in accord of principles..CPI is enemy of communism".

Attacking CPI while cleverly preserving idea of Communism(P2)

(B) Nehru's weak foreign policy: As per CIA, India's foreign policy was always dwindling. Nehru was perceived as weak and 'apprehended' towards China and thus, not just China but the West exploited it.

Now for a moment recall all Rahul Gandhi's China tweets targeting PM Modi!

(C) Nehru as a Hindu & Politician: In this declassified doc, 5 mnth before Nehru died, CIA well summarised his character.
Shastri ji (known next PM) was assessed as "genuine Hindu than agnostic Nehru, secular (P1) & more practicing politician than Nehru has ever been"(P2)
5/ Tbc.

(D) Indira Gandhi's circus: INC had drummed the beats of "iske piche videshi takat ka hath hai" for decades to hide their shortcomings. CIA secret doc described it as Indira's practice to distract ppl from domestic issues by shifting every blame on "outside forces"

specially during the election, including that of Khalistan mess or Kashmir.

However, at the backdoor US diplomats were "reassured" by her advisors that ("don't mind pls") these are just political campaign rhetorics.

Shameful act. Think about the image of a head of state!

(E) Indira controlling Election Commission- This CIA declassified document revealed that how Indira Gandhi used to choose the timings of election (polling) based on favorable situations. e.g. monsoon is good (& so is economy), she may call the election early!!

(F) SVB Patel consolidated all princely states to form a federal structure. In contrast, Indira's strategy was to promise "autonomy" to gain regional support. This is way too dangerous for the sovereignty of India but when "satta" is all your aim, who cares about the country!

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