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#Screening #Investing #Educating Check #Pinned 🧵 for Crucial Info! #Spreading +ive vibes via My #StressBusters🕺

Sep 10, 2021, 7 tweets

Q&A 162

#personalized #screener discussion !

⚡️Take away
- What should be Promoter Holding ?
- How much Debt ? Should we only invest in low debt companies ?
- Should we only invest in less Debtor days ? When can be High Debtor days companies be good investment ?


How much Debt ? Should we only invest in low debt companies ?


Promoter Holding = 0
There are around 90 companies which are run by Board & hence Zero Promoter Holding !

Don't forget them, some are really great compounders !


Instead of Looking for High Promoter Holding, look for Stable Promoter Holding (that's more practical).

Promoter holding above 60 or 50 doesn't make sense to me !


You may miss out on several great companies if you say Promoter holding >= 60
See screenshot from one of my #screeners arranged for ascending Promoter Holding !


🌟Debtor Days
It varies from industry to industry.. e.g. following companies have less debtor days..
But there are equally good if not better companies where Debtor days is more than 2 months (2nd screenshot).
Both pics are from one of my #screeners !


RT if you find this useful !

The End.


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