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Content strategist. I send a one-paragraph email with simple ways to get more clients from your content to 35,000 subscribers every day. Get it here👇

Sep 10, 2021, 7 tweets

Here’s a thread on how @JamesClear uses Instagram to get newsletter subscribers.

It’s really smart…


1. His bio has a clear call to action to subscribe to his newsletter.

And his link goes directly to his newsletter signup page (as opposed to his website home page).

2. He has a story highlight specifically to showcase his newsletter and drive signups.

3. He repurposes his newsletter content as Instagram posts.

And when he does he identifies in the image that the content came from his newsletter with a label at the top of the image.

He also includes a call to action to subscribe at the bottom of the image.

4. His captions also include a call to action to subscribe to his newsletter.

Speaking of newsletters…

I originally shared these tactics in my For The Interested newsletter.

To get more secrets of successful creators, sign up here 👇

And for a deeper dive into James Clear’s Instagram strategy, check out this article from Karolina Wanner I featured in my newsletter this week.

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