Bjorn Lomborg Profile picture
Author of 'Best Things First', 'False Alarm', and 'Skeptical Environmentalist', President Copenhagen Consensus: smart solutions through economic prioritization

Sep 11, 2021, 7 tweets

Global inequality is lower today than last 140 years

Ineq increase hugely in 1800s bc industrialized world pulls away

Ineq decline as poor world (China, India) starts gaining

Gini: 0=no ineq, 1= total ineq

New, amazing data from @PikettyLeMonde & co…

Income development 1820-2020:

In China, per person income dropped from 82% of world average in 1820 down to 20% in 1980, before rising to 109% in 2020

In Indonesia, it dropped from 57% in 1820 to 16% in 1950, up to 68% in 2020…

What drives global inequality?

Blue line shows domestic inequality: high, but lower in 1950s-80s

Orange line shows inequality between nations: increase dramatically after rich world industrialization, decline after 1980 as poor world is gaining again…

Who gained the most in the last 40 years of growth:

Much of the world's poor
The very richest

The relative losers were the lower and middle-classes in rich and middle-income countries (jobs outsourced)…

Who gained in income over the last 200 years?

Relatively: the world's top 30% (the first to industrialize, OECD)

Absolute: everyone got to be much, much better off — even the worst saw their incomes >5x…

Definition of global inequality treats entire world as one:

Just like inequality in, say, the US places all US individuals from lowest to highest income

Global inequality places all citizens from every nation from lowest to highest income


It is a great data paper collating an immense amount of data to help us get a clearer view on incomes over the past 200 years

Cudos to Chancel & Piketty

(but take their 1800s industrialization powered by exploitation of 3rd world with grains of salt)…

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