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Sep 13, 2021, 10 tweets

Today is #WorldSepsisDay

Q: What is #sepsis?
A: Sepsis is a life-threatening medical emergency. It occurs when a person has an infection, and the body’s response causes injury to its own tissues and organs.
Sepsis affects millions of patients 🌍

#Sepsis is estimated to kill 1⃣1⃣ million people each year, including almost 3⃣ million young children. It disables millions more.…

Anyone with an infection can develop #sepsis, but some people are more at risk than others:

🔸Pregnant women
🔸The elderly
🔸People with chronic diseases or immunosuppression
🔸Hospitalized patients

Patients who are critically ill with severe #COVID19 are at higher risk of developing and dying from #sepsis

If #sepsis is not recognized early and managed promptly, it can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure & death

How can we prevent infections in our communities?

Through #HandHygiene, safe water and sanitation, safe food preparation, and vaccination.

1 in 4 cases of sepsis in hospitals 🏥 results from healthcare-associated infections.

#Sepsis can be prevented through:
✅ Effective hygiene practices and precautions,
✅ Proper #InfectionPrevention and control
✅ Timely diagnosis and treatment.

Act fast. Seek medical care if you or someone you know has an infection that is not getting better, or if they have any signs of #sepsis.
🔸Fever or shivering
🔸Shortness of breath
🔸Rash that does not fade when pressed
🔸Extreme discomfort
🔸Clammy or sweaty skin

For every 1000 women 🧕🏻👩🏿👱🏻‍♀️ giving birth, 11 will experience infection-related, severe organ dysfunction, or death.

When caught early and treated promptly, sepsis can be stopped.

Health workers can help prevent maternal #sepsis by taking early action:

✅ Practicing clean care
✅ Diagnosing early
✅ Treating promptly

Know the signs of maternal #sepsis:
🔸 fever or abnormally cold to touch
🔸 extreme fatigue
🔸 confusion / disorientation
🔸 not passing urine all-day

If you have these symptoms, contact a healthcare provider immediately,

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