Phil Williams Profile picture
Speaking truth to power - and the angry mob. @NC5 chief investigative reporter. Chancellor Award. duPont, Peabody awards (4x). Toner Prize. Pulitzer finalist.

Sep 13, 2021, 7 tweets

BREAKING: Tennessee reports worst day - and worst week - of the pandemic in terms of new #COVID19 cases! ** 15,411 ** new case reports from 9/10/21 alone.
Last week, there were ** 66,707 ** new cases in TN. 1/x

BREAKING: Tennessee also reports worst day - and worst week - of the pandemic in terms of new #COVID19 cases among school-age children (5-18).
** 3,082 ** new cases on 9/10/21.
** 14,159 ** new cases last week. 2/

BREAKING: Tennessee also reports the worst day - and worst week - of the pandemic in terms of new #COVID19 cases among all children (0-18).
** 3,592 ** on 9/10/21.
** 16524 ** last week. 3/

Overall, #COVID19 hospitalizations are showing a slight downturn, but pediatric cases are again rising. 4/4

Because some people keep posting the same crap, er, misinformation, this current crisis is driven by the UNvaccinated, who make up the overwhelming majoring of new cases, hospitalizations, deaths.

There is a reason the Northeast, which has done a phenomenal job with vaccinations, is faring MUCH better in the current wave than the South. If the B.S. were true about vaccinations driving the surge, the Northeast would be fiery red. #StopIt #GetVaccinatedNow

Also, Tennessee's status leading the country in #COVID19 cases is NOT due to vaccines. We are 46th in the percentage of adults fully vaccinated.

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