Harmony 💙 Profile picture
Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees.

Sep 13, 2021, 8 tweets

New to Harmony? Get On-Chain in 5 Minutes ⏲

Here's a cheatsheet for quickstart with Harmony:

⚫️ Create a wallet
⚫️ Buy NFT 🖼
⚫️ Farm Sushi (@SushiSwap) 🍣
⚫️ Own a domain
⚫️ Earn $75 per hour 💸
⚫️ Hack for $1M prize 💰
⚫️ Join our 100 DAOs 💯


1. harmony.one/create – Wallet using only Google Authenticator

3. harmony.one/farm – $4M Yields for @SushiSwap on Harmony #Sushiswap

4. harmony.one/crazy – Own Crazy.ONE domain names #CrazyONE

5. harmony.one/earn – Minimal $75/hour for Builders & Creatives

6. harmony.one/hack – $1M Prize for Cross-Chain & Cross-Border Finance #Crosschain #finance

7. harmony.one/dao – Join one of 100 DAOs or $50k Bounties #DAOs

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