Sean Beckner-Carmitchel Profile picture
Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Sep 13, 2021, 6 tweets

Good afternoon! In anticipation of a visit from President Biden, who will be in Long Beach later today there are about 20 pro-Recall / Larry Elder supporters and a small group of pro-Biden / Newsom supporters. Some verbal confrontation has already happened, this was sent to me.

One of the protestors says he’s here to give President Biden a “warm welcome,” and gave up his ticket in order to be with the small group for safety.

“John Lewis, we will fight to the bitter end but we will fight,” one pro-Biden/Newsom supporter says.

Long Beach Police Depaerment here now, taking statements and encouraging the pro-Newsom side that both sides should stay on their respective sides.

Situation is resolved- the masked gentlemen has promised to go back to his side. One man (unclear on what side or if he has a side) being given a ride away in LBPD cruiser; I’ll follow up on if escort or detainment later.

One sign hanging on a nearby house says “Hi Joe Friends / Healthcare Please”

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