Chloe Condon Profile picture
Developer Advocate @Google ☁️ & recovering musical theatre girl 👩‍💻🎭🎶 prev: @Microsoft 📎 Former child, current meme sommelier ✨🖼️

Sep 16, 2021, 5 tweets

Them: It's super easy, why don't you just--

Me, a neurodivergent human with #ADHD:

Saying "just" to someone with ADHD is like saying "calm down" to someone who is upset.

JUST call? JUST send an email? JUST follow up on that call from a referral?

Ma'am, this requires hours, if not days/months of crippling anxiety, rumination, and shame 🥲😳😭💊 twere it that easy. lolz ⚰️🪦

Like omg, thank you. I *JUST* need to increase my dopamine and *do* the thing?? BLESS. My bad, let me just cancel all these cognitive behavior/coaching/therapy sessions and get right on that 😳😐😑

Nike: Just Do It. ✔️


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