Wesley Kress, MBA, MSOM 🟥 Profile picture
Breakthrough Performance/Rehab. Ex-Banking Professor 20YRS+ Financial Mkts. Independent #Crypto Analyst & Educator. $SAITO ≠Crypto True #Web3👨🏼‍💻🔁👩🏻‍💻P2P

Sep 17, 2021, 11 tweets

(1/10) I created a 6 Part Video Series discussing #ImpermanentLoss #DivergenceLoss as it relates to $EGLD/ $MEX pair & $EGLD/ $BUSD pair on #MaiarExchange & Video of Farming $EGLD/ $MEX (Walkthrough) #Crypto w/Cheat Sheets @SeverMM @beniaminmincu @iamdanvoicu
Video (1/6) + Bonus

(2/10) Video (2/6) + Bonus*

(3/10) Video (3/6) + Bonus*

(4/10) Video (4/6) + Bonus*

(5/10) Video (5/6) + Bonus*

(6/10) Video (6/6) + Bonus*

(7/10) Bonus* Video - Walkthrough of how to Farm $EGLD/ $MEX

(8/10) Cheat Sheet #1

(9/10) Cheat Sheet #2

(10/10) Cheat Sheet #3

** Bonus Flow Chart Reference Again for participating in $eGLD/ $MEX Liquidity Pool & Farm.

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