Wesley Kress, MBA, MSOM 🟥 Profile picture
Breakthrough Performance/Rehab. Ex-Banking Professor 20YRS+ Financial Mkts. Independent #Crypto Analyst & Educator. $SAITO ≠Crypto True #Web3👨🏼‍💻🔁👩🏻‍💻P2P
Jul 14, 2022 14 tweets 10 min read
Timeline in which @BankToTheFuture led by @SimonDixonTwitt who has built a career around “financial inclusion” supposedly & helping smaller guy FAILED to protect interests of $CEL token who raised original money/equity

Will he care to protect our interest now?

Please “RT” The $CEL token was a way to give “non-accredited” users access to the upside be it through a vehicle that was listed on #DEX (Decentralized Exchanges). Company pivoted for legal reasons to claim it’s purely a “utility” token & why they never listed on USA exchanges & Filed REG. D
Jul 12, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
I am always impressed with @otisa502 & have had many hour long conversations in the past 1+ year. Very intelligent.

I was very impressed with the hard questions he asked @SimonDixonTwitt not at all impressed with the answers he provided especially considering his confidence $CEL Also, at no point was @otisa502 trying to defend Alex so stop with the #StockholmSyndrome shame tactics. Also, Otis has a far superior pulse on the Celsius community as a whole. He has been involved with almost all the meetings in community. I have been taken back by how
Feb 25, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
(1\31) Death, Mental Health, Self-Mastery & Our Shadow Self 🧠

As I have walked through life I have discovered some wisdom. A piece that at first I was resistant too. I grew up in a cult religion. I left the cult religion but I did not leave the light. I simply
$eGLD $CEL $SAITO (2\31) realize that I was following a conceptual framework of GOD that was of a false deity. At first I looked to write new beliefs over my prior beliefs. This is the common practice of the pathological “positive” psychology I seen being passed around as wisdom. Often times we
Feb 25, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
(1\7) Dan,
There is no accurate or perfect answer to this question. W/ that said let me see if I can help to add perspective. *NFA I would say that Metabonding really allows you to get exposure to early projects that may have a high asymmetrical return. It helps
$eGLD $MEX $LKMEX (2\7) to increase the diversity of one’s portfolio as well. If there are projects that end up becoming high quality blue chip projects, this helps to reduce your portfolio risk overall. As of now the LKMEX/EGLD LP Farm has a much higher % return than the Metabonding if I am
Feb 21, 2022 26 tweets 11 min read
(1\26) A short historical & broad overview of the current Macro-Economic, Money & Political backdrop. The uncertainty of 2022.

The most uncertain times the🌎has ever faced may be upon us, despite many not aware. I discussed about the continual $eGLD $UTK $CEL $SAITO #Crypto (2\26) disruption the internet has created & how WEB3 is needed

The Executive order of 1933 was when the USA abolished the Gold Standard & entrusted the private entity of the Federal Reserve to maintain the global financial system via monetary policy.This
Feb 20, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ Hi @charliemktplace this deals w/ the architecture of Blockchain to understand. On Elrond $eGLD tokens are built into the protocol NOT Smart Contracts. Read that again. Tokens are built into the protocol. This means the tokens are just like the core "Coin" like $ETH or $eGLD 2/On $ETH the tokens are NOT build into the protocol they are in fact (Smart Contracts). The Smart Contract represents the (Tokens - ERC 20) & #NFT's are the same way they are in fact (Smart Contracts - NOT tokens built into the PROTOCOL) (NFT standards: 721 & 1155) on $ETH This
Feb 16, 2022 69 tweets 15 min read
(1\68) A reflective perspective on the emerging elements of #WEB3 #Metaverse #NFTs & WEB2. Human behavior & Tech. How Technology shapes the way humans think, behave & interact which may provide lasting insight as disruptive tech emerges. Delayed gratification 🧠
$eGLD $CEL $SAITO (2\68)

I think it’s important to think about the relationship with technology & how it shifts human behavior, thinking, interaction, etc Understanding this can guide us to both its value & best practices. Not to mention help design with
Feb 12, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read

1. This is because most people try to imprint or transfer their understanding of POS & POW directly to $SAITO or they try to take fragmented facts & imprint the rest as if it’s understood. In the video describing this, Validators which are $SAITO nodes don’t get paid (2\11) immediately but they do get paid. The Validators collect TX’s ie value coming into the network. They are incentivized based on the consensus to pass the TX’s to the next Validator or miner along the path as they want to be sure to collect as many Golden Lottery tickets
Feb 9, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
[1\16]A Psychological walk down #NFT lane. A personal perspective on #NFTs for the sake of #MassAdoption intelligent people should start to pay attention. With new concepts we tend to fragment them outside our context & understanding of human behavior &

$eGLD #NFTs [2\16]preference. Why? It’s because we struggle in the beginning to fully understand how this new conceptual technology fits into the paradigm and conceptual framework of human behavior. When something as abstract as an #NFT people have a difficult time comprehending how it
Feb 7, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
(1\8) “It needs to be brought up over & over again that Mark Zuckerberg first iteration of #Facebook @Meta was to rate women on campus against their will on whether they were hot or not. This is very telling of where his mentality is in general. He took a machiavellian $eGLD $GNG Image (2\8) approach to all things. The end justify’s the means. This grabs a lot of people that focus on the EGO a lot because they have this freedom to play GOD which is very appealing to Mark & to his credit I think he tries to use that power to effect good but the lore of his
Jan 29, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1/In early stage TECH, many aspects R highly stigmatized early on due to them not being normalized from a collective social construct. Shame & being perceived as “stupid” often times gives people a reason to look for every reason they could be wrong rather $eGLD $CEL $SAITO #NFTs 2/than intelligently looking at the totality of the market & 🌎 at large. The people who are choosing a different way because certain human needs are not being met. Incumbents from existing industry often stoke the flames of these fears of self shame, fear of looking stupid &
Dec 29, 2021 25 tweets 13 min read
1/ I bought more $SAITO The breakthrough in $SAITO is more significant than #BTC Reason is simple #BTC is a volunteer network that will never be able to scale commercial sized networks as volunteer🌐turns to a closed point at scale @dlancashi 🧠 I will give an analogy & insight💡 2/ of Trust. Volunteer networks are great at smaller scale but moment U try to scale ⬆️, it’s the same as scaling trust from a family to community, to a city, to a state, to a region, to a country, to a continent. U might trust your brother (family) to come use your computer 💻
Dec 19, 2021 46 tweets 20 min read
1/ I want to start off by saying the leadership & communication of @beniaminmincu & TEAM is truly extraordinary. It doesn’t surprise any of us who have been super close to the @ElrondNetwork $eGLD project. They care deeply about everyone. It shows in their actions & words #Crypto 2/ I am sure it surprises many Y I spend so much time, energy & effort educating & sharing w/ community for FREE. I deeply care too. The 🌎 is not set up in a way to help #ThePeople Yes, I could charge a lot of money & hide behind a paywall but I choose consciously not too
Dec 6, 2021 18 tweets 12 min read
1/ A case study of $eGLD ⚡️ @ElrondNetwork & @MaiarExchange $MEX Ⓜ️maintenance & explanation of Y economic reward changes needed to be made immediately for everyone’s best interest *except mercenary capital. Y changes were made (speed) & what can be improved going forward #Crypto 2/ As discussed in 2.5 HR 🎥 #MasterClass @MaiarExchange $MEX there can be unforeseen elements. We R investing in disruptive technology w/ A LOT of moving pieces. With great rewards comes complexity & risk. As stated Risk Adverse = only allocate 5% to #DEX
Dec 5, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
(1\5) A lot of exciting developments continue in the emerging #NFT market on the @ElrondNetwork $eGLD Ecosystem 🛠I have always mentioned how #NFTs would change everything in #Crypto on Elrond due to its low fee’s & low barrier to entry to mint 🧠“One French startup is @wwwineNFT (2\5) taking more of an ambitious approach with wine NFTs. In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph, Samuel Balthazard and Yacin Kharroubi — CEO and chief product officer of World Wide Wines, respectively — discussed the logistics of making French wine available on the
Sep 17, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
(1/10) I created a 6 Part Video Series discussing #ImpermanentLoss #DivergenceLoss as it relates to $EGLD/ $MEX pair & $EGLD/ $BUSD pair on #MaiarExchange & Video of Farming $EGLD/ $MEX (Walkthrough) #Crypto w/Cheat Sheets @SeverMM @beniaminmincu @iamdanvoicu
Video (1/6) + Bonus (2/10) Video (2/6) + Bonus*
Sep 16, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ Wow this man is relentless. I grew up in a cult & he doesn’t ask questions just keeps on preaching. U R wrong, sir. U appear more like a preacher in cult religion with your approach of communication than someone looking to find truth or clarity. Let me explain $eGLD $XRD 2/ Elrond’s Architecture is designed form a first principles standpoint to solve this as it relates to sharding. This has never been done but you have chosen to assume you understand because you looked up “atomic cross composability” or U simply read the marketing $XRD provided
Sep 6, 2021 10 tweets 11 min read
(1/10) Here is a Step by Step Video explaining how to participate in the #MaiarExchange as it pertains to the FARM ( $eGLD/ $MEX ) 🧑‍🌾 for highest APR % even if you have never downloaded the World Class Intuitive @getMaiar APP. Reference Sheet:🖼️ below & other resources #StudyHard (2/10) Step-By-Step Flow Chart of FARM: $eGLD & $MEX Pair.
Sep 3, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
1/ $eGLD is appealing to many:

1. It created the most equitable value sharing #Blockchain Design, Tech & Economic Model.

2. Promotes #Collaboration to secure a network vs #Compete #BTC

3. EU Certified Net Negative Blockchain 🌱

4. Solves the TRUST, CENSORSHIP & DATA problems 2/

5. It allows for DAO’s organizational structures that promote Meritocracy & change in how one Values organizations.

6. It allows the USERS to be THE OWNERS so there is aligned interest to do what is best for the users not Exploit them in traditional Consumer experience
Sep 2, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ Yes, #Academic reasoning of value proposition. I have over 11+ years as an academic & professor. Most academics are good at analyzing & assessing things, as to building #DisruptiveTechnology The hungriest & most talented #entrepreneurs who designed from 1st Principles $eGLD ⚡️ 2/ They have sold public that somehow you can have #Academics analyze something that has NEVER been done before. The very premise of value proposition is faulty at its core. $eGLD & $ADA You don’t know what you don’t know in #DisruptiveTechnology that is what makes it disruptive
Sep 2, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ Please see this link: As to why I love 🔥 @CelsiusNetwork Also, I earn Yield on $CEL 4.8% & around a 11% on $MATIC if you want to know where the $CEL is token gets it’s value & Y it exists, please see below 👇🏼 2/ This is where the $CEL token derives it’s value from + via Network Effects. I will discuss below 👇🏼 Why the $CEL token exists based on my own understanding.