Tara Moriarty Profile picture
🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦Assoc Prof @UofT. Bloodborne infections, Lyme disease, misinfo. @COVID_19_Canada. Defend journalism. Opinions mine. @MoriartyLab@med-mastodon.com

Sep 18, 2021, 18 tweets

Good morning

This week's Canadian #COVID19 vaccination and death projections,

including estimated dates when C19 deaths will fall below age-specific mortality rates for flu

Based on @GovCanHealth data to Sep 11


@GovCanHealth 1. Rates of full vaccination: Sep 11, 2021

2. Estimated lives saved by vaccination: Sep 11, 2021

COVID-19 vaccination has saved an estimated 430,000 Canadian lives to date.

We still have another 37,000 left to save.

@GovCanHealth 3. Weekly increase in % population fully vaccinated: Sep 4-11, 2021

4. Estimated dates when 100% of population will be fully vaccinated

@GovCanHealth LIVES STILL LEFT TO SAVE as of Sep 11, 2021

5. Estimated vaccine-preventable deaths in remaining not fully vaccinated population

6. Vaccine-preventable deaths/100,000 people*

*YELLOW: age-specific influenza mortality rates, for comparison

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Oct 9, 2021

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Nov 6, 2021

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Dec 4, 2021

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Jan 1, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Jan 29, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Feb 26, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Mar 26, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Apr 23, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: May 21, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: June 18, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: July 16, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Aug 13, 2022

@GovCanHealth Estimates: Sep 10, 2022

@GovCanHealth Note: Estimates for future months are what may occur if the weekly increase in % of each age group vaccinated remains the same as it was from Sep 4-11, 2021.

These ESTIMATES are intended to show why it's urgent that vaccination speeds up in certain age groups and regions.

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