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Investigative journalist; entrepreneur; investor. Tech pioneer. Columnist, Washington Spectator. Speaker. Curator, @TEDxMidAtlantic. @davetroy@toad.social

Sep 18, 2021, 8 tweets

I’m here at the US Capitol this morning to observe what, if anything, may happen here today. Word is this will be a quiet day. I will report anything newsworthy or notable on this thread.

Anemic showing so far. More cops and media than demonstrators. Also a lot of dump trucks and snowplows.

LARP Moses is here. So far that’s about the most noteworthy development. He was talking about drinking beer.

The vibe here is “we love the Capitol police” and “anyone who committed violence should be held accountable.” The big gripe is perceived lack of due process. Remains unclear how much of that complaint is based in reality; much hyperbole in use.

They have a string of “Tu Quoque” logical fallacies and false equivalencies, suggesting that the violence at and inside the Capitol is the same as various other non-Capitol violence and peaceful protests. A festival of whataboutism. Also several claims of warrantless searches.

As this winds down, Capitol Police are staging a shield blockade behind the barrier fence. Energy here is low and I sense no appetite for violence or conflict.

And that’s a wrap. The final call to action, “Go home now please.” Folks are generally dispersing. Thankfully this can be characterized as a non-event with the worst offense being the dissemination of some very exaggerated and distorted claims.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this event was its apparent civility and reasonableness, with leaps of logic just below the surface. Whoever collected the names/data for this event has a pool of people to feed into future radicalization pipelines. The funnel must be fed.

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