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TV science writer who campaigns against puberty blockers. Trans identified males are men. Subscribe:

Sep 18, 2021, 6 tweets

1./ What unites @RosieDuffield1 @joannaccherry @HelenMary_2021 and @KemiBadenoch? From different parties & outlooks these smart, liberal-minded WOMEN politicians are all hounded, harassed and slandered by LGBTQ+ extremists who are out of control.👇…

2./ Whether they're straight or gay doesn't matter. The fact they question strange, newly fashionable and rigidly enforced notions erasing the reality of being a woman gets them labelled bigots when they're only doing what every woman politician should do...speak up for women.

3./ In the two years since @ALLIANCELGB was founded more and more gay people have made it clear the extremists, the grifters, and the self-serving blowhards who claim to speak in our name are in fact tarnishing our reputations, turning a once-bullied minority into the bullies.

4./ Women are 51% of the population. And even if they weren't the status of their rights (so recently won in a blink of an eye in historical terms) would mean they deserve better than being TOLD how their rights must now bend and shift to fit others who openly threaten them.

5./ Many gay peeps -like the public- struggle to make sense of the trans rights debate. But the least any LGB or trans person should do is make clear they believe profoundly Rosie, Joanna, Kemi, and Helen have a right to speak and a right to be heard. #IstandwithRosieDuffield

6./ It's bonkers to take on half the population who'll be horrified when Gender Self-ID's problems become obvious. But it's for our own good too we need to put clear water between us and the liars, the thugs and bullies who took over our movement and misuse our name.

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