Dan Sohege 🧡 Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in refugee protection, human rights & immigration. Also tweeting about autism and LGBTQI+. Personal account. My views only

Sep 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Oh FFS @MigrationWatch, sound out the words slowly and run your finger a bit further down the page. Pushbacks are highly illegal for multiple reasons, under various international laws, and vessels have a legal duty to protect life at sea, not cause people to drown.

98% of those who cross the channel seek asylum and vast majority of people who do so are granted it on either first instance or appeal. So this one is at best a highly disingenuous reading of data, at worst a flat out lie designed to stoke hatred.

Interesting that they quote the Mayor of Calais who has made it illegal of asylum seekers to be provided with food and water by NGOs, wonder if that may have something to do with it. Also France actually has higher "benefits" for asylum seekers, so again this is bollocks.

Might be said in a "tongue in cheek way", but nevertheless it would be illegal, and quite possibly an act of war. It's kind of regarded as a no no to go another nations territory and drop people off on the beach. #justsaying.

Even the government's own impact statement says that making channel crossings harder will do nothing to reduce numbers. It will just force more people into the hands of gangs and more dangerous journey.

One day's worth of tweets from @MigrationWatch and where they aren't either disingenuous, or just plain false, they are calling for violations of multiple international laws and the placing of lives at risk. Yeah, these jokers really care about facts.

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