Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Sep 20, 2021, 23 tweets

Not well, but has to put this out by tomorrow.

🧵Play HalfonForThem Bingo tomorrow

UfT MPs Letter
HART JCVI letters

How much will be repeated tomorrow?

They have evidence

Lost learning
JCVI "potential harms"
Yellow card reporting and vaccine deaths⚠️

Blurb done, letter here

"Purely political and deeply unethical"

Quote Paton that vaccination will cause more disruption than just letting the virus rip

Paton is a HART member and has written for Spectator and Brexit Central

As predicted JCVI Finns recently comments are quoted and taken out of context by UsForThem to support their point

Suggestion from Yellow Cards that vaccines are killing people

Source Christopher Chope speaking in Parliament, wonder where he gets his information from...

Oh right he's being briefed by HART and looks like he will raise their questions in the House of Commons

Notice Graham Brady is phoning this lot for chats about whats going on behind the scenes in Parliament

And now UsForThem quote him as an independent source alongside Paton

So this has gone out to the CRG MPs and around 60 who have openly supported UsForThem including Halfon.

Interesting to see who asks which questions, I assume they also got the HART JCVI letter

Letter to JCVI near end of August I think

Bingo questions

Other signatories.

Oh look Tess Lawrie of British Ivermectin Research Development which is working with FLCCC by far right America's Frontline Doctors headed by Capitol Hill Insurrectionist Simone Gold

For more on AFD, BIRD, FLCCC and HART and Ivermectin⬇️

So the Safer to Wait campaign whose leaflets are being handed out outside school gates, was set up by HART and UsForThem members with Ros Jones being one of the main organisers

Links to FLCCC and BIRD suggesting ivermectin as alternative to vax for kids

Many of the Safer to Wait crowd also involved in Together Declaration which includes Hoar, Kulldorff, Clare Fox etc interesting company for the Baroness to keep

If she's so unhappy about this, why associate with this crowd?

Living Marxism crowd seem to have got on board the skeptic train early with Youngs Lockdown Skeptics off the back of Guptas herd immunity paper

Pandata event here, pandata has fair few GBD members

Luke Johnson was also at the event, same Luke Johnson who donated money to the CRG MPs who are now supporting UsForThem?

Yep same one
CRG and UfT both getting PR support from Ed Barker

Now these MPs are actively coordinating with HART

Consequence of treating a pandemic like another culture war is that they've taken a tribal approach, Spectator and Spiked both platformsd GBD as real experts, now HART get lots of media time

This led Media and MPs to blowing dog whistles for this lot⬇️

In particular TalkRadio, Telegraph, Daily Express, GB news, even outlets who should know better have let UsForThem on. They are all part of the same network from UfT to GBD to Yeadon

Who right in the middle of Government policy is Brookes interacting with?

Most the media seem more concerned with platforming cranks than finding facts and holding people to account

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