Tom Shugart Profile picture
Defense analyst, former submariner, bugsmasher pilot/flight instructor. Founder, Archer Strategic Consulting. @cnasdc Adjunct Senior Fellow. Opinions my own.

Sep 22, 2021, 7 tweets

A dog cemetery. One of your listed "750 bases" is a dog cemetery.

And apparently Naval Base Guam isn't one naval base, it's 12!

And the Naval Hospital is a "base", too!

Even by the source document's absurd standards, the number of "bases" is 439, with 300+ yet smaller facilities called "lily pads", or even "unconfirmed".

Yet @QuincyInst trumpets "750 bases". 🤔

Oh hey, the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo is a "base", too. It's a hotel. For US military and govt, but it's a hotel.

Anyone care to guess if "Yokohama No Dock Navy" and "Yokohama North Dock" is double-counting basically the same thing?

This is what two "overseas U.S. bases" looks like.

Ok, enough, you get the idea.

Sad thing is, there're reasonable arguments to be made that we have too many bases, or that they're in the wrong places, or aren't set up to do the right things. But bad data trumpeted in support of an agenda IMO isn't a great way to make the point.


Quite the research program there at @QuincyInst.

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