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Sep 22, 2021, 8 tweets

Soooo take a deep breath

How do you book a Berlin-Kraków rail ticket?

A #ConnectingEurope thread... Or, more precisely, a #DisconnectedEurope thread!

There are 2 direct Berlin-Kraków trains a day

EuroCity EC 57
Berlin Hbf D: 10:37
Krakow Glowny A: 17:55

EuroNight EN 50457
Berlin Hbf D: 18:43
Krakow Glowny A: 04:08

I couldn't take the EuroCity because of a work contract this morning, and the EuroNight arrives at 4am. No!

So I need to change somewhere...

DB gave me this option - with 5 minutes to change in Poznan Glowny! 🤯

This one goes via Wroclaw, but look at the timetable! The InterCity stops 22 minutes there... Bizarre

That train is a PKP InterCity, like this:…

But there is a better option... with 2 changes

Put a 10 minute minimum stop in Poznan in DB's timetable and it routes you like this - with the same arrival time in Kraków

But that's a TLK train - older carriages, open windows #FesterAuf, like this 👇…

But try booking that... and DB's system just says no. It gives an error on the site.

Even the route with the 5 minute change in Poznan is impossible with an eTicket so you pay a supplement of €5,90 to get it posted to you 🤯

And DB would not let me reserve a seat on the Poznan-Kraków section, I presume because I was trying to book too far ahead?

And the ticket itself... stipulates I have to route via Wroclaw

And as if that were not enough... we're now running late. So I might end up on that 2 changes route anyway, which is what I would have preferred to book anyway if DB's system had let me!

Anyway, I'll get there today one way or another. I have coffee. LTE/4G work better here in Poland than in Germany (of course!) and I'll watch the fields of Poland out of the window!


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