Sachin Ramje Profile picture
I help creators and startups drive revenue with hyper-visuals. Building @hypervisualsHQ to help my audience consume content faster and better.

Sep 22, 2021, 14 tweets

Want to improve your twitter game?

Tweetdeck could be the best option for:
- creators
- solopreneurs
- small brands

Here are the 9 highly-actionable ways to setup Tweetdeck(TD) and manage Twitter like a PRO:


1. Customize interface basis your needs

I created this multi-column dashboard today to keep an eye on:

Inside World:
- my notifications
- my DMs
- my followers' activity
- my Lists

Outside World:
- hashtags
- trending topics
- Competitors activity
- Other users' activity

Experience everything in real-time

TD auto-refresh feature displays Twitter activity in reverse chronological order.

I find it easy to keep up with what’s happening in real-time.

This is a huge plus as I don't like out-of-sync timeline Twitter usually displays.

2. Keep a track of trending topic

How do you find inspiration on twitter?

I follow #buildinpublic movement and learn from other creators.

3.Don't miss out on updates of your favourite creators

I have a list of my favourite creators.
I engage with them the moment they post.

btw I follow:
1) @dickiebush - writing frameworks
2) @alexgarcia_atx - marketing threads
3) @aaditsh - twitter growth

4. Curate top tweets for your collection on any topic

I have started working on #buildinpublic Visual Guide to help the creators

Curating top tweets from the subject expert like @arvidkahl & @MeetKevon is a no-brainer for the book.

5. Use advanced search tools

Tweetdeck advanced search is amazing to curate and take inspiration.

I tried curating top thread of Sahil for my next visual thread:

Here is the search I used:
eg. @sahilbloom min_retweets:1000

Boom! you get this 👇

6. Search Tweets with specific links

I tried to learn various ways to promote your business.
I experimented with @Nicolascole77, how he appends URL after his tweets :)

e.g. Use 'tweets with links, matching"


7. Curate your top performing tweets as collection

One fun use is to track your top performing tweets over time in a collection.

You can use these to pin to your profile or embed in relevant articles.

Here is my collection of Visual threads ;)…

8. Filter the tweets as per your needs

Tweetdeck filter results and offers certain kinds of tweets basis:
- tweets with image
- searches by location
- specify particular dates
- searches by tweet author
- enter keywords to exclude
- whether or not to show retweets

9. Be a watchdog for inspiration

You can follow / unfollow, see their lists, bio, activity and more.

I love that I can not only set up columns for the competition, but for friends and influencers as well.

Don't compete. Get inspired.
I also got inspired by @jackbutcher.


TD is a boon for local businesses

Use Tweetdeck to see the tweets from your local areas filtered by location, distance (in miles)
Wait...2 more things:
1) You can schedule tweets on Tweetdeck for FREE.
2) Tweetdeck is only available in a web browser 😀


1. Create a dashboard
2. Get real time updates
3. Keep a track of trending topic
4. Use it for favorite creators
5. Use advanced search tools
6. Search tweets with links
7. Display best tweets with Collections
8. Filter the tweets basis needs
9. Be a watchdog

That's it.

Hope you liked the VISUAL thread. 🧵

- Save it for your future use
- Share it with your friends you needs it.

Go to the 1st tweet & RT it for helping other users to become PRO.

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