Christopher Bouzy ( Profile picture
When I was 9, I started coding on a Mattel Aquarius computer. I developed several products in my 20s & 30s, and then in 2018, I launched Bot Sentinel.

Sep 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Today, a group of former and current Black women officers filed a $100M class-action lawsuit against the Washington, DC police, and one of the officers named in the lawsuit (Robert T. Glover) has a very troubled past. You are not going to believe this...…

In 1996, Robert T. Glover was on his way to work when he observed a Virginia state trooper in “danger.” Robert exited his vehicle, pulled out his firearm, and fired his weapon into the suspect’s car, striking Auguster A. Carter in the head and chest...…

At the time of the shooting, Robert was off duty and in Virginia. Remember, Robert was a D.C. cop, not a Virginia cop. He was only a police officer for approximately two years when he shot and killed Auguster, but somehow he kept his job...…

Auguster had diabetes, and people who knew him said they never witnessed him drink. However, an autopsy showed alcohol and cocaine were in his system. The police also claim they found 10.5 grams of cocaine and 11.4 grams of marijuana in his car...…

The drug and alcohol narrative is suspicious. Auguster was a civilian air traffic controller for the Army at Fort Eustis, and he was subject to annual and random drug testing. The street value of the cocaine was approximately $1,100. It gets worse...…

I was able to locate Robert’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, and he uses the screen name MPDLion.

MPD = Metropolitan Police Department

Lion = Penn State Nitty Lions

Robert works for the Metropolitan Police Department, and he once attended Penn State University...

The MPDLion screen name is unique to Robert Glover, and I could not find another person using that screen name anywhere. So it surprised me when I discovered a now removed Tumblr account (mpdlion . tumblr . com) with nude photos of young women performing sexual acts...

There needs to be a thorough investigation to determine if Robert Glover was operating a sexually explicit Tumblr account under the screen name MPDLion. If so, the Metropolitan Police Department should fire him.

Yikes! Robert didn’t disclose his 1996 shooting when he served on a tribunal regarding another cop-involved shooting. Allegedly, Robert was antagonistic toward the defense witnesses during the hearing.…

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