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💜@tourguidemitra 170k on Instagram/316+K TT🙋🏻‍♀️🏛tourguide of Rome,historian& activist for equal human rights. 2013/14 OT7 #BTSARMY💜

Sep 22, 2021, 9 tweets

And since I’m on the topic of #equinox , let’s talk about the #Pantheon here in #Rome - have you ever heard of helioarchitecure? Because it’s really cool. #talesofatourguide

🍂 First day of autumn - the autumn equinox is here!

🌕It is the equilibrium of day and night

🍂2/? -and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition.

🏛What does this have to do with the Pantheon? It’s built according to helioarchitecture; architecture following the sun or its placements

3/?🌱Mainly the spring was considered as a safe reference to start certain agricultural works; so many days after the equinox, for example, some plants had to be pruned; after so many days, certain seeds had to be sown, and so on.

📅On the other hand, the equinoxes allowed to -

4/? control the accuracy of the calendar. Some civilized populations even at the time of the Roman conquest, in the second century AD, used a calendar based on a 360-day year and it was necessary to correct it periodically, which was carried out with the fixed "arrival" of the -

5/? equinoxes. For this reason, ancient peoples built special monuments to control the date of the equinoxes.

☀️On the day of the spring equinox (around March 21) and the day of the autumn equinox (around September 21) the Sun rises exactly from the east cardinal point and sets

6/? from the west. From the day of the spring equinox, the Sun will rise, each day, a little further north until the day of the summer solstice (approximately for June 21), which rises from the furthest point from the east cardinal point (NE).

7/? 🌞As of the day of the summer solstice, a retreat of the sunrise positions on the horizon begins and undoes the entire journey from the spring equinox to the summer solstice to again occupy the east cardinal point on the day of the autumn equinox (by September 21 or so).

8/? After that day, the Sun rises a little further south each day until it reaches, on the day of the winter solstice, the farthest point from the east (SE) by which the Sun can appear on the horizon. In the first days of winter, the points of sunrise on the horizon begin to

9/9 recede towards the east until, again, on the day of the spring equinox, the Sun appears precisely from the east cardinal point and the cycle repeats.

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