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Sep 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US Vice-President Kamala Harris deliver a joint statement in Washington DC.

"India is a very important partner to the US," says US Vice-President Kamala Harris.


#PMModiUSVisit | "I know that India takes the issue of #ClimateCrisis seriously. We believe that the US and India working together can not only have a profound impact not only on the people of our nations but the world": US Vice-President Kamala Harris


"We had #COVID19, the kind of crisis and importance of our shared belief in a free and open Indo-Pacific region. During Covid, our nations worked together. Early in the pandemic, India was a vital source of vaccines for other countries": US Vice-President Kamala Harris


#PMModiInUS | "India experienced the surge of #COVID19 in the country, the United States was proud to support India in its need and its responsibility to vaccinate its people": US Vice-President Kamala Harris


"I welcome India's announcement that it will soon be able to resume vaccine exports. It is particularly of note and admiration that India, I'm told, is currently vaccinating approximately 10 million people a day as of today": US Vice-President Kamala Harris


"As democracies worldwide are under threat, it's imperative that we depend on democratic principles and institutions within our respective countries and around the world; incumbent on our nations to protect democracy in the best interest of people": US VP Kamala Harris


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