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Sep 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Today has been such a weird mix of different things I'm not quite sure how to process it all...

And indeed I'm going to need time to actually properly edit my photos and videos from the #ConnectingEurope express

But for now... Some random bits and pieces

And some more

Doesn't the colour of the... err... coal wagon match the #ConnectingEurope Express perfectly?

Ostrava is slightly strange but great. And a Škoda tram, and the SNCF conference carriage

And an EU sponsored City Elephant? And the roof of Ostrava hl. n.

And a bonus... #ConnectingEurope arriving at Kraków Glowny

I'm heading to bed in a sleeping car for this new @unsereOEBB #ConnectingEurope #NightJet route Ostrava hl. n. - Ljubljana (hey @vorortanleiter this is an idea for you!)

More tomorrow!

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