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South West Edinburgh 20 Minute Neighbourhoods. Positive, sustainable changes. Live well locally. FREE e-cargobike hire & Tool Library @sw20etl #streetsNOTroads

Sep 25, 2021, 16 tweets

🚨SW20 on Tour 🚨

We took a trip.

Sometimes in Edinburgh its difficult to imagine a better future. We’re keen to show what might be possible.

Where did we go?

📍 Paris? Copenhagen? Amsterdam? ✈️


…🚂 40 miles to the West: Glasgow!

It faces the same issues:

🏥⛑health & 💰inequality
📖legislation / TROs
🅿️🚗legacy of 60s / 70s planning
⛰🌦hills & weather
💰funding challenges
😷Covid affecting local business & more working from home.

But it has managed to deliver…

The South City Way!

Could this be #lanarkroad, Comiston Road, Portobello, Corstorphine or any Edinburgh street like Lothian Road, Gorgie or Newington? @best_edinburgh @LivingStreetsEd @EdinburghBUG @blackfordsafer1 @Cyclesouthedin @TrafficLow

Is it all about bikes? Nope.

A 20 minute community:

👍public transport
👍low traffic side streets
👍safer floating parking
👍cars flowing well
👍pedestrian priority
👍thriving businesses

🔊 less noise, but still busy - hearing bird song 🐦 🎵

What’s remarkable is the diversity of users. Different ages, ethnicities & abilities, co-mingling in a thriving streetscape @LivingStreetsEd

Pedestrians, prams, bikes, disabled people, buses & drivers able to mix safely thanks to great accessible design - all at a slow pace.

Plus a willingness to trial and test.

Like at these protected junctions. 👍

🚨kerb nerd alert 🚨

Angled kerbs indicate changes in use & are safer for cycling.

Rougher sections indicate edges for floating parking.

Active pavements for 🚶‍♀️🦽 with a different level for 🚲

Floating bus stops were well used with higher boarding kerbs for accessibility 👀

Passengers able to exit floating parking safely onto a level surface. Same at bus stops. Accessible design.

Shows Edinburgh what’s possible: could we #improveNOTremove our schemes with this vision? @lmacinnessnp @adamrmcvey @cllrcammyday @KarenDoran3

Was it all outstanding? Nope.

Compromises in places - particularly towards the city

But consider the debates in Edinburgh about allowing parking in bike lanes, when with better, accessible designs we can imagine what could be if we #improveNOTremove #lanarkRoad schemes & others

Our local businesses need our support. So does our health.

This thriving Glasgow street, helps the community become more resilient, accessible, healthier & safer. Which is what our medics called for:

@lauramcw @now_its_nora @SuzyScarlett

What’s the impact of safe, accessible infrastructure?

👇 this:

@SW20Ed believes this could be the vision for #lanarkroad, Longstone but also elsewhere in SW Edinburgh @BalernoCC @currie_comm @JGBMCC @ColintonCC @Longstone_CC @craiglockhartCC @CV_Enterprise @ColintonAmenity

We can do it too. Locally for #lanarkroad we could build on the base we have, #ImproveNOTremove active travel measures for climate & health.

@NeilCllr @DenisDixonSNP @cathyfullerton @CllrScottArthur @ashleyannotate @davidfkey @gavincorbett @henderson_ricky @donaldwilson

Off the 🚂: the cold reality in Edinburgh:

😞 This disabled cyclist negotiated Fountainbridge’s hokey-cokey infrastructure

😞 🚗 illegally on zigzags, no🚶‍♀️ priority

😞then legal parking in 🚲 lanes

To coin new phrase: People make Glasgow miles better?

We can be better too

Come talk about your vision for our community at our event tomorrow:

@cargobikemovmnt @LaidBackBikes @PathsforAll @SpokesLothian @CV_Enterprise @TheBikeStation @CyclingUKScot

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