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Frens call me Fuzz A Storyteller. A Traveler of both Time&Space An Entertainer Kindness costs nothing. EVERYONE Matters #LifeIsAnArt

Sep 25, 2021, 23 tweets

@thesevens_7 is rolling on the AMA today!!



Calling all #NFTartists

Collabs you say??

Make no mistake....the dev team is straight up. We been fighting it from day 1 due to the muffed mint, the gas wars and launching directly into the crypto downturn. SOlid peps here!!

Will there be priority mint in S2 for S1 hodlers?

#TheSevens dev team is straight up AF. I REALLY like the way these guys roll. It is what it is, and either you get it, and are in it for the community and the fun involved, or your not. If you aren't having fun...you're pissing in the wind. (you can quote me on that) #BeHuman

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