Friends, Families & Travellers Profile picture
A leading national charity working to get a fair deal for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. Secretariat to the @APPGGTR.

Sep 25, 2021, 7 tweets

🕠We're kicking off our event on 'What does the Policing Bill mean for Gypsy and Traveller communities?' in 5 minutes, chaired by @marykfoy as part of @TWT_NOW.

💥We'll hear from @mwillersqc, @bowers_jake, @chelsmcdonagh, Mattey Mitchell and @HulmesAllison.

Chairing the event, @marykfoy opens with a reminder of the serious opposition across civil society to the Government's #PolicingBill.

Our trustee @mwillersqc describes the proposals to fine, imprison or seize the homes of Gypsies and Travellers as ‘atrocious’.

“The #PolicingBill will put the ‘nail in the coffin’ for Gypsies and Travellers traditional nomadic way of life.”

Founding member of @Drive2Survive3,@bowers_jake discussed the hope found through the solidarity shown against the #PolicingBill.

The @Drive2Survive3 rally will take place at the Conservative Party Conference on 2 October.

Powerful contribution from @chelsmcdonagh asking for people to take to the streets to oppose the concerning measures in the #PolicingBill.

“Who’s coming out to oppose the Bill?”

Mattey Mitchell, Health Campaigns Officer at FFT discussed the various ways that a nomadic way of life can be facilitated to co-exist with settled people, such as negotiated stopping.

You can find out more about negotiated stopping here:

.@HulmesAllison shares shocking statistics on the number of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children taken into care and the ways in which the #PolicingBill will pose a greater risk for families being separated.

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