Jackie Singh Profile picture
Formerly @JoeBiden. Infosec, Threat Research, Investigative Journalism, Democracy, Art ❤️ Link to my Substack 👇 (FREE!) Follow: @threatsdotwatch

Sep 25, 2021, 10 tweets

I want to share something important I learned thru the process of producing NFTs with my partner @0xBanana over the past months

I had a valuable realization stemming from the creation of new things of uncertain value & shipping them to buyers

This is for the #infosec crowd


Creating art which is then roundly enjoyed by others has helped me with perfectionism.

Intellectually, I know that ‘perfect is the enemy of good’.

Unfortunately, my standards for my own work are often far too high to encourage incremental progress & learning in public.


Part of the reason why I feel that way is because the security community is so frequently negatively judging. As this is the community I joined from a young age, it has molded my behavior to be far too constrained & limited — in direct opposition to the hacker ethos.


Judging the work of oneself & others to an extremely high (& often unattainable) standard reduces the likelihood that people in a given community will produce original work for the benefit of said community by releasing it publicly — even when such efforts are sorely needed


The community essentially molded my behavior to the point where I have refused to release original work in the security space.

Meaning: useful code/scripts. Methodologies. Process improvements. Updates to the state of the art in information security. Incremental progress.


I haven’t always felt the things I’ve created have been good enough to stand up to the intense scrutiny which comes from both being a woman and a human in this space — and even if they were, I wanted to avoid the minutiae of the forced and oft-entitled/angry peer review.


Through the work and culture of infosec, I’ve developed an extremely keen eye for mistakes, errors, and systematic problems — and often fail to state how much I appreciate the value of someone’s work before criticizing it.


Yet what I’ve helped make has received so much kudos, & the process of making them has been so enjoyable & validating, that I feel I am “good enough” to release artwork for public sale & consumption under my own name — even if not at the level of a Kandinsky or Warhol.


Seeing the support and kindness people make the effort to express in the #NFTcommunity (within certain communities on Discord especially, shout-out to @itskay_k) has repeatedly shown me that there is another way, and not everyone is like this outside our weird little bubble.


I’d love for the infosec community to recognize how our overly-critical reactions to the work of others is often the opposite of encouragement, even if well-intentioned, and reduces opportunities for us to effectively learn from each other to improve our craft & culture ❤️


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