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Sep 26, 2021, 10 tweets

It's #WorldContraceptionDay

EVERYONE deserves access to a wide range of safe and effective contraceptive methods to choose what works best for them.

Contraception and family planning information and services are life-saving and important at all times. Sexual activity does not stop with the #COVID19 pandemic.


Family planning and counseling should be:

✅ respectful of the human rights of all individuals
✅ free of stigma and discrimination

Did you know that WHO has a digital app for #FamilyPlanning providers? This app can help ensure a contraceptive method is:

for their client.

Download here:

Over-the-counter contraception is available in different forms, including pills, injectables, and barrier methods.

Contraceptive counseling can help you find the method that is right for you and help to prevent unintended pregnancy 🤰

Use of contraception is a shared responsibility. Discussing options is part of an equal and healthy relationship. Remember, sex should always be:

✅ Safe
✅ Enjoyable
✅ Consensual


#DYK that there are two types of condoms?
You can use male ♂️ or female ♀️ #condoms to prevent unintended pregnancy, #HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.


As a sexually active woman, what are my contraceptive options?

If I have a sexually transmitted disease (including HIV), what contraceptive method can I use?

What happens if I miss a pill or pills?


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