Eric Feigl-Ding Profile picture
Epidemiologist & health economist. Public health early warnings. Faculty @NECSI. Fmr 16 years @Harvard. Short story: Early bio:

Sep 26, 2021, 9 tweets

📍687,000+ #COVID19 deceased and still counting. Those who say we should “learn to live with the virus” mean waving the white flag 🏳 to thousands more innocent lives lost. Let fight to save lives, prevent #LongCovid, and protect children. 🙏

2) the white flags are an exhibit of @sbfirstenberg:

3) the exhibit runs until October 3 at the Washington Monument

4) People can write personal messages for their lost friends and loved ones on the individual flags. Countless people have.

5) Dedications written on the flags become part of the exhibit. The artist @sbfirstenberg may donate it to the Smithsonian when the exhibit is over.

6) A small panorama of the 687k white flags 🏳

7) We need mask and vaccine mandates. Once upon a time, seat belt mandates were hated as “anti freedom”. But they save lives. And people eventually saw their value. But what was once unpopular can be considered the right thing to do over time… because it saves lives.

8) Or else, should these #COVID19 deaths in kids be an ‘acceptable sacrifice’ in the name of “freedom”? Not in my book 📕

9) We don’t accept kids lead poisoning nor 8 infants who die from a pillow suffocation before we act. Why should we accept #COVID19 induced oxygen hypoxia?

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