Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Sep 27, 2021, 18 tweets

What is @mkainerugaba up to? He's been on a very odd trajectory for the past week. Visiting Egypt and Somalia and retweeting TPLF UNGA propaganda.

This was just retweeted by @MohamedHRoble, the PM of Somalia who recently had his powers removed by Somalia President @M_Farmaajo.

Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba is the son of Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni, and Commander of Uganda Land Forces (UPDF), making him responsible for peacekeeping contingents, including AMISOM in Somalia.
[Image src:… >> Uganda has contributed most troops.]

Five days before @mkainerugaba's strange trip to Egypt and associated twitter activity, his father President Museveni issued a statement "ON THE MILITARY COUPS THAT HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN PLACE IN SOME

On the same day @mkainerugaba posted this tweet. Recalling what appear to be fond memories of his time in Egypt.

President @KagutaMuseveni's column is an interesting read. He recounts the history of freedom fighting in Africa and asks questions about the coups in Mali and Guinea, specifically, who are the coup makers to go against the AU, whose opposition to coup's is clear and unambiguous.

Ok so back to Lt. Gen @mkainerugaba. On the same day as his father publishes a column raising questions about coups he posts three pictures recalling his time in Egypt, presumably for military training.

And his tweet is promptly quoted by Egypt Asst. Deputy FMA @melhamzawi.

And four days later he posts what appears to be a picture of himself with Lt General @mkainerugaba, quoting the General's now famous image of a younger self holding hands with then General Al-Sisi.

The timestamps on the two tweets shows that the Egyptian Minister (6.17pm) and Ugandan General's (5.11pm) tweets are just over an hour apart and one.

From this it seems reasonable to surmise they may have been together when the tweets were sent.

Two hours earlier at 3.22pm @mkainerugaba had already tweeted the photo, albeit at that time with a different message.

The first one is possibly harmless. The second however is incendiary. " If anybody thinks of fighting Egypt, he should know he will be fighting Uganda as well."

To recap the story so far:
- President @KagutaMuseveni posts a column about neo-colonialism & coups.
- Lt Gen. @mkainerugaba tweets fondly about Egypt.
- Egyptian FM responds positively.
- They meet up and the Lt. Gen. effectively threatens Ethiopia.

But Lt. Gen. @mkainerugaba doesn't stop there and posts 24 quoted versions of the two tweets. 15 of the first one and 9 of the second one. Mostly tweeted by patriotic Egyptians, who take the tweets as evidence of Ugandan support for Egypt's grievance with Ethiopia.

This is also very apparent in the replies that @mkainerugaba gets to his tweets.

And then the following day he re-tweets two more politically charged tweets. This is the first.

And this is the second.

It advertises a social media campaign being run on the Tigray Genocide being run by a Tigrayan lobby group.

N.B.: September 20th is the day before the #UNGA is set to begin and @mkainerugaba has 371k followers.

Also important to know is that @mkainerugaba, who is also known as "M7", is expected to succeed his father as President of Uganda.

And now @mkainerugaba has arrived in Mogadishu.

Amid rumours of threats that Uganda is planning to withdraw its troops from the AMISOM mission.

I won't address background of why PM Roble has had his powers removed by @M_Farmaajo, except to say that he sorely provoked it.

In conclusion any supporter of the TPLF meeting with Roble at this time is also incendiary, in Somalia & possibly also in Ethiopia.

THREADFIX .... (this thread is far from over.....)

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