Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Sep 27, 2021, 6 tweets

Tonight activists with @Peoples_Watch_ were joined by progressive members of congress outside the U.S. Capitol calling for the $3.5 trillion spending bill (social safety net and climate) to pass along with infrastructure.

"Housing is infrastructure!" says @RashidaTlaib.

Congresswoman @AyannaPressley addressed the climate and social activists directly rather than the media.

"Thank you for having our backs," she told the progressive group.

"You have no idea how much you are a source of strength and inspiration to us."


Congressman @RepBowman: "this is obviously a pivotal moment in our country's history."

He says effort is to do right by "centering equity, by centering racial justice, by centering women's rights, and women's empowerment, and taking care of our seniors and most vulnerable."

Rep @RoKhanna says that the infrastructure bill's shortcoming is its lack of green transportation, instead focusing on "traditional economy."

If passing "inadequate" bill, he says, congress must also pass "separate bill that actually addresses climate!"


Rep @MondaireJones reminded the activists of success in extending eviction moratorium.

He says they now can "stop the climate crisis" while creating green jobs and move toward universal healthcare and childcare.

"We know that we have the American people on our side."

Here is my uncut footage of the speeches tonight given by several progressive members of congress as well as @Peoples_Watch_ activists, promoting passage of the climate/social safety net $3.5 trillion bill.

As always, all footage available to license.

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