Sam Greene Profile picture
Director of Democratic Resilience @CEPA. Professor @KingsRussia. Political sociologist. Progressive. Co-author, Putin v the People, @yalebooks. 🇬🇧/🇺🇸

Sep 28, 2021, 11 tweets

A friend recently dropped off an old @CarnegieRussia brochure, and while it’s from well before my time at the CMC, I couldn’t help but share the nostalgia! (Russia hands may find this amusing. Or not. Caveat emptor.)

First things first: Alexei Arbatov never changes. Ever.

Neither, though, does @McFaul:

Or Mikhail Dmitriev:

Or Irina Kobrinskaya:

Or Lilia Shevtsova:

Not sure, alas, I can say the same for @anders_aslund:

Or David Kramer:

The evolution of @DmitriTrenin’s mustache is quite something! (And quite positive, I should add.)

But the real revelation? And the image I’ll leave you with today? I give you Sergei Markov’s beard:

My work here is done.

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