Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Sep 28, 2021, 8 tweets

Right now: @DCMJ2014 are inflating a gigantic “joint” on Capitol Hill.

They plan to hold a protest advocating federal cannabis legalization today until 4:20pm, when a “direct action” is expected to take place.

Legalization advocate @aeidinger tells congress to vote on marijuana legalization or we will “vote and weed you out!”

The #Cannabis activists are now marching with the joint in front of the congressional offices.

A “joint session” so-to-speak.

“Lift the rider!” The @DCMJ2014 activists call out senators on Appropriations Committee for allowing a federal budget rider that prevents DC from setting its own drug laws.

I spoke with @aeidinger following today's #CannabisCommunity rally for legalization at congress.

He explains "strategic decision not to smoke" at Capitol, and describes how police have been "traumatized this year" and how that's affected the culture of protest.

Something fascinating that came up was how vaccines have become a point of disagreement among the marijuana community.

@aeidinger wants to put "cannabis activism squarely with the vaccine" as opposed to voices that are anti-vax among cannabis activists.

Adam @aeidinger was behind the "joints for jabs" event that gave weed to people who got the vax.

He describes that a prominent cannabis activist actually donated product to that, but didn't actually get vaxxed.

Apparently, he's recovering following a 3-month coma from COVID.

Raw @N2Sreports footage from today's @DCMJ2014 protest as well as the entirety of my interview with @aeidinger here.

As always, all footage is available for licensing!

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