Runa Sandvik Profile picture
Founder of @GranittHQ, securing journalists and at-risk people around the world.

Sep 29, 2021, 6 tweets

Was digging through court records related to Vault 7 and found this tidbit. The FBI used the wifi at Starbucks to download the leak. #OBTS

If you want to better understand how government agencies, such as the CIA, create and use cyber tools, there are some helpful bits in the #Vault7 court records. Here's one example. #OBTS

Makes sense for the CIA (and others, really) to have a code library of basic components in a state that can be readily used. #Vault7 #OBTS

The CIA also wanted to have the ability to track what code is being used, where. Which also makes sense. Good to know about potential ramifications of re-use. #Vault7 #OBTS

Not everyone's a fan of reading WikiLeaks in Starbucks. #Vault7 #OBTS

The CIA DevLAN network, which hosted the data we know of as #Vault7, was shut down on March 7, 2017, the day WikiLeaks published the first part of the series.

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