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a cultured podcast about all things infectious disease 🦠🧫🔬🧪 | ID clinical reasoning, diagnostics, abxs | infographics | #IDTwitter #IDMedEd #MedPedsID

Sep 29, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ We covered a MASH of pearls during the most recent episode with @SAIRABT ! Let's take a look at some of those points with some new (and prior) @febrilepodcast graphics!

For example, what @ID_fellows hasn't gotten called about rabies?! Check out this refresher #IDMedEd

Rash + eschar + fever should make you consider vector borne rickettsial diseases! See a compare/contrast guide below

Check out links to some @IUIDfellowship tweetorials on these infections:

We talked about the big 3 orgs to remember with eosinophilic meningitis = ABG! Some notes on those infections + a list of other possible causes of eos meningitis

Check out links to some tweetorials on these infections:

The O🐟AL GUIDE to scombroid and ciguatera you were looking for

#IDMedEd #IDTwitter #MedTwitter

A throwback to @MDdreamchaser 's way to remember 😼associated infections

#IDMedEd #IDTwitter

Another throwback graphic, this time for Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome.

Bartonella is top of the list, but also can be seen with tularemia and other infections

#IDMedEd #IDTwitter

7/ Want to start adding some resistance graphics to @febrilepodcast and started with amphotericin resistant fungi.

Does this look right, @FungalDoc ? Any edits you would make?

Leave tips for improving the graphics on the thread or make suggestions for what should be covered next!!

Or try making an #IDMedEd graphic yourself and tag @febrilepodcast to retweet

Don't miss the prior thread on 🔗to ID learning resources !

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