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Sep 30, 2021, 7 tweets

2 years ago, world leaders committed to make universal health coverage a reality. The #COVID19 crisis has underscored why we need to deliver on this promise urgently so that everyone, everywhere can have access to quality & affordable health care.


To save lives and protect economies everywhere in the 🌎, countries must take every opportunity to rebuild their health systems sustainably and more equitably, with universal health coverage and health security as complementary goals.

#HealthForAll #UNGA

There is an urgent opportunity for more and better-directed investment in the foundations of health systems, and a coherent, well-aligned, and integrated approach, based on #PrimaryHealthCare that leaves no one behind.

#HealthForAll #UNGA

#PrimaryHealthCare provides the first line of defense & response to keep people safe & healthy by strengthening health service delivery, essential public health functions and emergency risk management, and by involving communities in decisions about their health.

Investment in universal health coverage has far-reaching impacts beyond health. It can also help us create stronger, more sustainable and more equitable economies and societies that leave no one behind.

#HealthForAll #UNGA

Do you believe all people should have access to the health services without suffering financial hardship?
Then get ready for Universal Health Coverage Day on 12.12.21! Join the call for leaders to invest in health systems that leave no one behind:

Health is a human right.
Everyone, everywhere deserves access to quality essential health services.
You can show your support for #HealthForAll by participating in Universal Health Coverage on 12.12.21.
Get ready and learn more:

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