Joseph Dempsey Profile picture
Research Associate for Defence & Military Analysis @IISS_org My views are my own

Sep 30, 2021, 6 tweets

#NorthKorea claims test launch of new Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) system

Would appear to be this SAM system that debuted at the October 2020 parade

Note the difference between the launch cannisters of the apparent new SAM (top) and KN-06 / Pon'gae-5 (bottom)

#NorthKorea last published SAM test was over four years ago in May 2017

Higher resolution image of #NorthKorea new SAM

#NorthKorea new SAM (right) quite a departure from previous KN-06 / Pon'gae-5 (left)

Note apparent use of a first stage booster and additional control surfaces

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