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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Oct 1, 2021, 10 tweets

Remembering Vladimir Horowitz on his birthday 🎂
📷 Philippe Halsman, 1966
"The music is behind those dots. You search for it, and that is what I mean by the grand manner. I play, so to speak, from the other side of the score, looking back."

Vladimir Horowitz by Jack Mitchell, 1988
"He hated to record in short sections & would do so only under duress. His artistry was worked out in the larger details. The smaller details came on the spur of the moment."
- his producer, Thomas Frost

Vladimir Horowitz by Ian Berry, 1982
"His Chopin is like a fire-ball exploding."
- Rudolf Serkin

Vladimir Horowitz returns to @CarnegieHall
📷 Alfred Eisenstaedt, May 9, 1965…

Vladimir Horowitz by Edward Steichen for Vanity Fair, 1930
"A paradoxical and fearsome pianist."
- Harold C. Schonberg

Vladimir Horowitz by Wubbo de Jong, 1986
"He represented an era of keyboard performance when individualism was the highest achievement & every interpretation bore the indelible stamp of the artist`s personality, warts and all."
- John von Rhein

Moving Vladimir Horowitz's piano into his New York townhouse.
📷 Waring Abbott, 1985

Vladimir Horowitz by Philippe Halsman, 1966
"I am a 19th-century Romantic. I am the last."

Nathan Milstein, Vladimir Horowitz & Gregor Piatigorsky relax after a concert in Berlin
📷 Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1931

Vladimir Horowitz & friend
📷 Gjon Mili, 1965
The Horowitz's had two poodles in the 60s: Peppi & Pippo.

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