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Oct 1, 2021, 13 tweets

Remember when Ali Alexander, Roger Stone. & Jacob Engels OPPOSED recounts in 2018? These bad faith actors always accuse their opponents of fraud, regardless of facts, bc it is propaganda. It dates back to 2000. h/t ⁦@LeaLovesUSA#narrativewarfare 1/…

2/ Seriously. I know many of us already know they have screamed “stop the steal” since 2000 but it is nonetheless infuriating to see it spelled out so clearly in 2018.

3/ Jack Posobiec was involved too.

4/ So was Laura Loomer.

5/ The “Stop the Steal” playback dates back to the 2000 astroturf Brooks Brothers Riot, which helped stop the recount in an election that Bush supposedly won by just 537 votes. It is propaganda, as Brad Blakeman readily acknowledges. Excerpt from something I’m writing:

6/ Karl Rove used the same “stop the steal” playbook back in 1994 in Alabama. He, Stone, & Manafort are all alumni of the same Republican shark tank: College Republicans.

7/ From my Medium article in post 6. They just recycle “stop the steal” over and over. Again, this is re: 1994.

8/ 2016 too. I strongly suspect that Trump’s false claims of a rigged election are, in part, what caused Ds to underplay security concerns re: the 2016 election & concede without even a recount. We are still living w/ the repercussions of that bad (imo) decision.


10/ Trump’s baseless claims about a rigged election in 2020 and propaganda #fraudits are almost certainly the reason why Democrats decided to NOT reintroduce legislation that would require rigorous manual audits for all federal races starting in 2022.

11/ I wrote this about Ron DeSantis’s and Rick Scott’s poll defying & otherwise questionable Florida wins in 2018. It is Democrats who shld have worried about potential fraud, not the GOP.

12/ Astroturf. h/t @azsteakandale

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