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Amanda Rankin Personal opinion #LearnAboutMECFS #PostExertionalMalaise #IatrogenicPEM #OpinionNotEvidenceBased #systemicFailureInHealthcare #IAPTLTCMUS

Oct 2, 2021, 12 tweets

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole BPS model places increased accountability on patients 4 their rehab & return 2 work . Including that sick role is temporary & that cognitions ,behaviours & social factors interact with physiology & perpetuate disability & reliance on benefits & can B managed 2 restore function

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole That patients/ disabled are to cooperate with rehab and psych social factors are obstacles to expected recovery . This is why if don’t recover 6 months or obstacle to approach referred social services , deteriorate more intensive behavioural rehab IAPT & inpatient units .

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole MUS pathway refer 2 secondary psych if patient can’t come 2 compromise with GP over BPS explanation 4 their symptoms.Back 2 GP when agree 2 deal with symptoms Mental capacity questioned if don’t cooperate.GP can diagnosis MUS any area they feel it affecting management

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole Inpatient behavioural rehab if unable to prevent deterioration, & not time limited but dependent on improvement - Joint Commissioning Panel for mental health report on MUS

Recovery Focus on function not cure

Outcomes must include mental not just physical #MEawarenessHour

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole NICE guidelines retaining rest & sleep restriction & structuring , & all BPS interventions 2 increase activity including CBT focused on thoughts feelings & affect on physiology as per the BPS approach .Claiming prevention & preventing deterioration & increase function . #MECFS

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole All interventions same goals & principles as GET .Goal orientated & 2 increase activity &reduce rest, return 2 work/ school .Contracting more patients when diagnosed & severe in homes with symptom management plans in own words& regular reviews of goals effectiveness & skills

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole BPS behavioural specialists roles 2 manage patients & provide barrage of harm adopted by NICE ect & 2 assist GP in making MUS diagnosis eg paediatric liaison roles .Liaison psych in hospitals ect & GPs specialist BPS interest .Training paramedics Look at network around 1 child

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole When is scientific record going 2B corrected .Just proves their is no safeguarding from those with vested interests,working together 2 design & ensure their own financial sustainability via rights violation, torture & abuse of disabled including children & pocketing public funds

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole Look what happened here where a patient complained about the harm and deterioration experienced . Thread 👉

And another patient asking to sign that she is “recovered” to be sent to her GP . Meaning living a managed lifestyle

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole UN report 2017 right to health
Said healthcare is 1 of most corrupt sectors of society & normalised criminal activity. Mental health sector is particularly affected by corruption . Lack accountability in relationships between pharma , health and academia.…

@me_awareness @postersandme @AliceOutThere @TimC_syd @AtypicalPolioME @hellogeniegroup @tweetingmole Lord Freud weaponised the biopsychosoical model in the work capability assessment to slash welfare costs
It’s also aids financial sustainability for NHS joint health and care providers & interests lobbying to replace social security system with insurance #meawarenesshour #MECFS

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