Gniewomir Flis Profile picture
Emerging tech, industrial decarb & hydrogen enjoyer Currently larping as a founder @marbleclimate

Oct 4, 2021, 6 tweets

Lots and lots of tangy insights in @IEA's freshly pressed Global Hydrogen Review 🍊

It's a big piece of work but worth getting to the bottom. Congratulations! πŸ‘

Below 5 of my favourite graphs πŸ“Š…

1. Though hydrogen is crucial, renewables and electrification are still the most important drivers of emissions reductions.

2. 70% of flights could be electrified with fuel cells, but that would only account for 30% of fuel use.

Most fuel is burned on long range flights. Synthetic kerosene mitigates only about 50% of emissions. New engine types are a must.

3. Electric trucks, whether hydrogen or battery powered, will overtake diesel ICE's by 2030.

BEV has the upper hand into the 2040s for trips under 500km. These account for 80% of all trucking trips. Eventually fuel cell vehicles become cheaper. 2050 is only 30 years away.

4. Though producing renewable hydrogen locally is expensive in a number of geographies today, by 2050 practically everyone bar Japan will be able to source it at below $2/kg.

Many, could produce at $1/kg, that's practically natural gas parity.

5. And finally, where is venture captial flowing to? Non-electrolytic H2 production is attracting some investment. There's of course vehicles and refuelling. But the real star is project development. Europe very much leading this space.

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