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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Oct 4, 2021, 9 tweets


Think Cathie is truly amazing & this was 1 of the best things to own in 2020 (along with her other funds) but this year taking a break

Haven't had much to say after its D200 fail

The 9/6 area top just a lower high & since then dropping hard

Like FXI down from July

If I were ruthless would be shorting this via puts but surprise, I'm not

That said happy to be out of the way

Now here's some really cool astro for ARKK

I've noted that Mars has a special influence

Interesting for woman-run fund

Could be options related on TSLA (where Mars makes all kinds of sense) and some spillover, but anyway, here is some data and visuals

Mars signs

That massive blowoff in 2020 was mostly Mars in Aries (red) where it stationed and spent extra time in the sign

This year low of year remains Mars in Cancer (fitting!), though who knows, potentially could revisit with Mars in Libra

Also Taurus did go higher in the frenzy but gave back all gains

Here is close up view 2020-current

Mars terms important too, especially Saturn doing damage

Here's the term data from 4/1/2020 (near start of equity rally off covid low) to 10/1/2021

Split by Mars term
Avg daily % return

Jupiter on top, Venus good, Saturn negative!

Here's the chart on the terms

Ugh, this is gappy, removing the weekend days not as easy as sounds, but going on my list :)

But just look for drops in the gray - that is Saturn whacking ARKK

Since Mars in Libra not moving well at all, could continue slide until:

Out of term Merc with Merc Rx, 10/6
Sun cnj Mars 10/7
Mars in Libra with ruler Venus wrecked by SN 10/10

Potentially longer

Couple more cool charts

ARKK by Mars sign entire history, chronological

See color legend

Not sure why Cap has dropped a couple times (the worst was covid crash)

Pisces also vulnerable

This year only Aries & Leo up, fire

Now, same data, organized by sign, easier to see

There is always variation under the averages

Scorpio decent though

Both Aries & Scorpio down only 1x, how's that for Mars impact?!

I think this is pretty cool stuff


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