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Oct 5, 2021, 6 tweets

From whatever is available until now. A cavalcade was moving and after few cars had passed, protestors came in and blocked the road….

One of the vehicles in the cavalcade - was shown as hitting the protestors which can be seen blocking the way after few cars had passed - from screengrab from same video one can see the windscreen of the thar is broken- encircled below

It is but natural for a driver, who was part of the cavalcade and whose Thar was hit,to panic especially when a mob blocks the way of a moving cavalcade - from the word go,no one is disrupting that people got mauled over but what wasn’t known until now was-that it was hit b4 tht

What happened thereafter is something that will put humanity to shame - the driver of the Thar that was attacked before it’s way was blocked was pulled out and killed in the field, nearby

The Thar was set ablaze

The driver was lynched;b4 that they tried to extract a confession out of him- driver never accepted it even when he was staring at certain death at the hands of a murderous mob that had blocked his Thar’s way,after being hit & ran over protestors in panic!

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