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Oct 6, 2021, 11 tweets

Here is the official list of #CovidVaccines manufacturers (and hence types) by country (217 locations):

Here, after clicking on TABLE then DOWNLOAD, you can get the # of doses by #CovidVaccines main manufacturers injected by country

This is how the shares of #CovidVaccines by manufacturer and by available country looks like on 01oct2021

Here is a quick visualization of #COVIDVaccination over time by manufacturer for selected countries, "champions" of a particular manufacturer, based on data from 01oct2021 (Hungary is "champ". for both Sputnik & Sinopharm)

Chile is a champ. of Sinovac
Approaching 80% of fully vaxxed folks
well notice how bumps in "cases" follows new vaxx
no data on owid for hospi. but deaths labeled c-19 are down

Czechia is a champ of Pfizer
Approaching 60% of fully vaxxed folks
seems to "work" according to these curves (for now...)
no bumps in "cases" following bump in vaxx

Hungary (also East Europe like Czechia) is champ of "non EU" vaxx: Sinopharm & Sputnik
Approaching 60% of fully vaxxed folks as well
weird new vaxx curve
here it seems to work as well (for now)
bump in "cases" precede bump in new vaxx (?)

Latvia is a champ. of J&J (as % of injections on 1.10.21)
Approaching 50% of fully vaxxed
doesn't seem to work as promised
but they "test" like mad, so "cases" explode, hosp. & c-19 labeled deaths follow
notice the coincidence with uptick in new vaxx...

Liechtenstein is Moderna champ
Approaching 60% of fully vaxxed folks
boy those curves are all over the place...
seems that recent bumps in new vaxx are correlated with "cases" but they ramped up "testing" as well
notice similar pattern for initial ramp in new vaxx in spring

South Korea is Astra champ.
Approaching 50% fully vaxxed folks
doesn't seem to work as promised, everying goes up but notice they "test" like mad...

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