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Oct 11, 2021, 9 tweets

There are many who played a critical part in the Pakistan nuclear program, Dr A.Q. Khan's role was one of them.

As soon as Bhutto came to power, Bhutto held discussions with Libya and other states such as Saudi Arabia to line up financing for a nuclear weapons program.

Bhutto’s initiative served as a magnet for Pakistani scientists abroad, many of whom returned to their homeland to contribute whatever they could to the national nuclear development program.

By the mid-70s, the PAEC team had acquired a substantial amount of knowledge..

and technology for enrichment of uranium and even set up experimental centrifuge cascades based on an Italian design at a site in Chaklala. But the real impetus for the pursuit of the enrichment route to nuclear weapons came with the arrival of Dr. A.Q. Khan.

After India's Pokharan-I nuclear device test in May 1974, the pace of the Pak nuclear program was increased further as Pakistan now had some catching up to do.

The Pak Army was drawn into the program when Bhutto asked the army chief, Gen Ziaul Haq to help the PAEC..

..set up the Kahuta Enrichment Plant in 1976.

Dr Khan had already arrived, carrying with him the plans for the Urenco enrichment centrifuges from the Dutch firm, Fysscish Dynamisch Onderzoek (FDO).

The army was brought in to help complete the construction and get the project going at high speed. Brigadier Zahid Ali Akbar was designated by Ziaul Haq to head a special works organization to construct the facility.

After the initial survey, Brig Akbar proposed to Bhutto to give greater powers and autonomy to Dr. Khan and his operation:
"We had never undertaken a project of such colossal importance. It was crucial that it be allowed to continue without any administrative..

..or political bickering. For that it had to be autonomous,"

If that could not be done Akbar asked to be relieved of his responsibility.69 Bhutto agreed to his proposal. The Kahuta operation became autonomous, and Dr Khan was given free rein.

This was a blessing, in that it allowed Pakistan to speed up its acquisition of nuclear weapons technology.

May Allah forgive Dr. AQ Khan and bestow his endless blessings for his invaluable services and selfless work for Pakistan and its defense. You will remain our hero.

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