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Oct 11, 2021, 6 tweets

Today is International #DayOfTheGirl !
When girls are able to
👧 make decisions
👧🏿 stay in school
👧🏽 prevent pregnancies
👧🏻 access health services equally,
they can transform their future, and be the power of change. 

Progress has been made in the last two decades to ensure every girl 👧🏿👧🏻👧🏼👧🏽 is able to grow and develop in good health, but there is much still to do.
On #DayoftheGirl and every day, let's make the health and wellbeing of girls a priority!

On this #DayOfTheGirl , WHO calls for a world where every girl has access to affordable quality health services, and all girls are treated and respected as equals. #HealthForAll

Nearly 1⃣ in 4⃣ of adolescent girls who have been in a relationship experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner.

Here are useful resources on addressing violence against women & girls in the context of #COVID19 👉


During the #COVID19 pandemic, online and ICT-facilitated violence against women and girls continue to be heightened.

On #DayoftheGirl, let's commit to making social media and online spaces safer for girls.

Digital media can contribute to education, counselling and care related to sexuality, sexual identity, and sexual relationships among adolescent girls.

Learn more about WHO's work on out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education 👉


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